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Welcome to the Elizabeth City State University’s Scholarship Opportunities Homepage.
Below you will find a listing of scholarships available to students with brief information about the scholarship qualifications. To apply to scholarships which require an application, you must first sign in with the same user name and password you use to access the campus login portal. You will then have the opportunity to complete a general application and, if applicable, apply for specific scholarships.
Award | Name | Actions |
To Be Determined |
LaTanya Afolayan Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Each...
To Be Determined |
LeRoy "Cush" Walker, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This fund shall provide scholarships for qualified students as defined...
To Be Determined |
Linda Davenport-Sanders Band Scholarship
The student must be enrolled in the ECSU Marching Band and the Concert...
$0.00 |
Luther and Mary Vandross Scholarship
2.5 or better GPA, Financial Need, 3rd, 4th or 5th year of studing...
To Be Determined |
Margaret W. and Lorimer W. Midgett Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is based on need and merit for students enrolled at...
To Be Determined |
Margery Coulson Clark International Endowed Scholarship
The recipient will be awarded the scholarship provided they have...
To Be Determined |
Margie and Calvin Griffin Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Marvin and Lois Thornton Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students that meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Mary E Powell Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide undergraduate scholarships for full-time...
To Be Determined |
Mary E. Sharpe Scholarship
This recurring scholarship is available to full-time undergraduate...
To Be Determined |
Mary Elizabeth Tillery Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following criteria: ...
To Be Determined |
Mary Hyatt Scholarship
This scholarship is available to full-time ECSU students with a minimum...
To Be Determined |
Math and Computer Science Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following: Recipients must...
To Be Determined |
Matt and Holly Cook Wood Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to full-time ECSU students.
To Be Determined |
Matthew "Matt" Lewis, Jr. and Geraldine Wright Lewis Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following criteria: ...
To Be Determined |
Matthew and Christine Lewis Scholarship
Only students enrolled at Elizabeth City State University and carrying a...
To Be Determined |
Maurice Powers Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide funding for any students who demonstrate...
To Be Determined |
Mickey L. and Lavera L. Burnim Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Mollie M. Beasley Physical Education and Health Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following criteria: ...
To Be Determined |
Ms. Kisha L. Darden Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Myron Burney Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide a one-time scholarship for one student...
To Be Determined |
Myrtle G. Boone Endowed Textbook Scholarship
This scholarship is available for students enrolled at Elizabeth City...
To Be Determined |
NC Legislative Black Caucus Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
NC MSEN Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Nucor Fellows Program and Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who are residents of the...
To Be Determined |
Omega Psi Phi Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students carrying a semester course...
To Be Determined |
Partway Home GAP Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide renewable scholarships up to $350 per...
To Be Determined |
Phillip Smith III Scholarship
This scholarship will award $500 to two full-time students from Hampton...
To Be Determined |
Pinnix_Brown_Day Family Endowed Scholarship
This fund shall provide annual scholarships for qualified students as...
To Be Determined |
Pre-Alumni Club Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship shall provide undergraduate scholarships for full-time...
$0.00 |
Raronzee Hinton Scholarship
This fund shall provide scholarships to students who meet the following...
To Be Determined |
Richard Henry Pitt and Susie Thorpe Pitt Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following: Applicants must...
To Be Determined |
Robert E. Harvey Tri-State Alumni Chapter Scholarship
This fund shall provide one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 or two...
To Be Determined |
Robert L. Vaughan Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students based on the following...
To Be Determined |
Robin Patterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Undergraduate, graduate, and transfer students in any classification are...
To Be Determined |
Ruth Holley Frinks Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following: Recipients must...
To Be Determined |
Selig Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students with a 3.5 GPA and a minimum...
To Be Determined |
Sharonda C. Walton Scholarship
Student must be a resident of Northampton County, major in Computer...
To Be Determined |
Sheryl Denise Ganus Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following criteria: Only...
To Be Determined |
Social Science History Scholarship
The Department of Social Sciences History Scholarship is presented...
$0.00 |
Squires Family Endowed Scholarship
Be a student in good standing at Elizabeth City State University....
To Be Determined |
State Employees Combined Campaign Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...
$0.00 |
Stuart and Wilshawnda Squires Endowed Scholarship
• Be a student in good standing at Elizabeth City State...
To Be Determined |
Terry and Tia Edwards Business Major Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available to provide undergraduate scholarships for...
To Be Determined |
TH Wamack Endowed Award
This scholarship is available based on the following: The scholarship...
To Be Determined |
The Bernice Steward Ashe Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is available based on the following criteria: ...
To Be Determined |
The Bettye E. Dowdy Alexander Endowed Scholarship
Only students enrolled at ECSU majoring in English and carrying a...
To be determined |
The Dr. SA Khan Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Mumtaz B. Khan
This fund shall provide twelve (12) $500 scholarships for qualified...
To Be Determined |
The ECSU Scholarship
This scholarship is available ECSU students.
To Be Determined |
The Eddie H. Bland Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who meet the following...