Joe C. Coble Opportunity Endowed Scholarship

Recipient shall be a student offered admission to but not yet matriculated at Elizabeth City State University, unless student is a previously awarded recipient of the Joe C. Coble Opportunity Endowed Scholarship, in good standing. Only prospective entering freshmen are eligible to receive this scholarship in the first instance. The scholarship is renewable through graduation provided the minimum GPA criteria are met. To receive funding, recipient must be a full-time student, enrolled in the minimum required hours for full-time status. Any student initially offered the scholarship shall be a resident of Alamance, Caswell, Craven, Jones, or Pamlico County; however, recipients may change their residency to Pasquotank or surrounding counties upon matriculating to ECSU without jeopardizing their eligibility. Recipient shall maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, and a 2.5 GPA must be maintained for the scholarship to renew. Initially, only one scholarship shall be awarded annually. The minimum and maximum amount of the scholarship award should be $1,000 annually, unless agreed in a fully executed agreement with the Donor.
